20 July 2011

The Learned Child

I have decided to create a new blog about the education challenges my son faces. He was slow to speak and I found that after a holiday with his Dad his speech regressed. He has caught up loads and since starting school his vocabulary has grown immensely. Now because of issues with speech, which his new teacher who takes over in September tells me he struggles with the letter T and D. I am not too sure if I get this as I can hear him say words that begin with those letters. However I will see what they do and take it from there.
Over the six weeks school holidays he has homework. I believe it is about 30 minutes of work per week but looks like loads more. The homework covers handwriting, reading and mathematics. This will be fun to work with him. I hope over the next six weeks I can get him reading ready for year 1. I plan to buy a book that has great reviews called Reading Reflex. If you know of any websites that specialise in children’s education please let me know. I believe in him and my abilities to get him where he needs to be.

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