06 February 2014

Why I Love Fat Girl Dancing

I have seen this video pop up all over my FB timeline over the past week. A lot of praise has been bestowed upon the lady dancer. I believe people tend to have a negative view of the health and fitness of people whose weight and size goes against what is fashionable let alone what the medical profession deem to be right. One size fits all mantra. There seems to be a requirement that we all morph into skinnies and hit up a malnourished catwalk.

Anyway what I love about this video is here you have a plus size dancer who owns it. She reminds me of a lady from the local uni who taught me dancing and performance arts when I was younger. She too was a big girl but she did the splits she kept up and overtook the most of them. I love the fact that in this video the lady commands your attention more than her male partner. She would do so even if she was slimmer. She seems to have a natural dancer ability. Her size is not her barrier and why should it be.......

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